Step-1: Authorization View log

Please ask user to authorize google my business acount to access review and allow to add reply.

If you have any issue in copying link then you can manually copy link from here:

Step-2: List Review Sample CSV

In order to list review, you need to provide a input file with email of business account for which you want to fetch review and date until which date we need to fetch reviews. You can download template file

Update email and date until which date you want to fetch reviews for each account and upload file here and click on Fetch review button to download file with review specified in input file.

Step-3: Reply Review Sample Reply CSV

Please upload file with review id and review text(File gererated in list review step, just add review reply text and upload here) and click on submit button so it will post review replies to google.

Step-4: Revoke Access

Write down email in text box and click 'Revoke Access' button to remove access.